Structured Finance

Score Credit Review specializes in providing structured finance solutions, including asset-backed securities, collateralized debt obligations, and mortgage-backed securities. Our expertise in risk assessment and financial analysis enables clients to navigate complex structured finance transactions with confidence.

Structured Finance Credit Review

Structured finance involves the creation of complex financial instruments by pooling various assets and then redistributing their cash flows to investors through different tranches. This method allows for risk allocation and facilitates access to capital markets. However, it also presents unique challenges in assessing creditworthiness due to the intricate nature of the structures involved. A comprehensive credit review is essential for investors, issuers, and other ]stakeholders to understand the risks and opportunities associated with structured finance transactions.

  • Provide an overview of the structured finance transaction under review, including the underlying assets, collateral, and cash flow mechanisms./li>
  • Identify the key parties involved, such as originators, servicers, trustees, and rating agencies.
  • Describe the structure of the transaction, including the different tranches, credit enhancement mechanisms, and payment waterfall.
  • Evaluate the quality and performance of the underlying assets or collateral supporting the transaction.
  • Analyze historical data and projections to assess the expected cash flows and default rates.
  • Consider factors such as asset diversification, geographic concentration, and industry trends that may impact collateral performance.
  • Review the credit enhancement mechanisms implemented to protect investors from credit risk.
  • Assess the adequacy of credit enhancement levels relative to the underlying asset risk and transaction structure.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of various credit enhancement tools, such as overcollateralization, cash reserves, letters of credit, and insurance.
  • Examine the transaction structure to identify potential risks and vulnerabilities.
  • Assess the impact of structural features, such as prepayment provisions, interest rate mismatches, and maturity mismatches.
  • Consider the implications of trigger events, such as credit events, rating downgrades, and breaches of covenants.
  • Evaluate the performance of the servicer in managing the underlying assets and administering the transaction.
  • Assess the servicer's track record in collecting payments, resolving delinquencies, and mitigating losses.
  • Consider the adequacy of servicing standards, policies, and procedures in place to protect investor interests.
  • Perform stress testing and scenario analysis to assess the resilience of the transaction under adverse economic conditions.
  • Consider various macroeconomic factors, such as interest rate changes, economic downturns, and industry-specific shocks.
  • Evaluate the impact of stress scenarios on cash flow dynamics, credit enhancement levels, and investor recoveries.
  • Ensure compliance with relevant legal and regulatory requirements governing structured finance transactions.
  • Review documentation, including offering memoranda, prospectuses, and legal opinions, to confirm adherence to regulatory standards.
  • Assess the legal enforceability of transaction documents and the rights and responsibilities of key parties.


A structured finance credit review is a critical process for evaluating the risk and performance of complex financial transactions. By conducting a comprehensive assessment of collateral quality, credit enhancement, structural features, servicer performance, stress testing, and legal compliance, stakeholders can make informed investment decisions and mitigate potential risks. Continuous monitoring and periodic reviews are essential to adapt to changing market conditions and ensure the long-term viability of structured finance transactions.